Film. Television. Shorts.
What We're ABOUT.
At Slap Happy Soul, we aim to make a variety of original content for a wide group of audiences. We focus on hard-hitting, heartfelt stories that will leave you laughing and wanting more.
Meaghan Cleary and Tina O'Donnell met making true-crime recreation shows together for Investigation Discovery in the greater NYC area. After many long days on set focusing on such dark subject matters, the two found solace in each other and in writing original stories to keep that skip in their step.
Between Tina’s love for comedy and Meaghan’s love for classic films, the combination proved to be an uncanny foundation to build off of, creating quick-witted and refreshing characters that live in especially unique worlds.
At Slap Happy Soul we’re happy to provide a place where fun can be found and truth can be told. We look forward to making the world a brighter place as we are true believers in the idea that stories can change the world and how we view it. With a ferocious heart and strong-will, nothing will stand in our way to see a project through.